An Unconventional Easter – By Seraphina Mallon-Breiman

(Students from left to right: Seraphina Mallon-Breiman, Miles Linsmith, Emilia Panish-Hoffmann)

This past Easter break at GMC, I had the opportunity to spend the weekend in Maine with two friends/fellow classmates and their families in Portland. We went to see the ocean on a couple of different beaches and an abandoned castle and Portland Headlight, the most photographed lighthouse in the entire world.

We all enjoy good food and we had the opportunity to spend a lot of time cooking together, even though none of the food we cooked was traditional or religious in celebration of the Easter holiday.

We had a lovely time together, although it was very chilly for the majority of the time.

It was wonderful to come back to GMC and be welcomed with a 75 degree day, what better place to do homework than outside on the grass in front of Cerridwen farm with your friends? 🙂

(Students from left to right: Shannon Currie and Emma Jeanne Page)

Everyone make sure to continue spending time outside these days, it’s absolutely beautiful out! Good luck with studies to everyone as the year is wrapping up!

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